Border Formalities
Money & Exchange Rate:
Check the exchange rate before leaving home. Change Rands at the BP Service Station just before the Lebombo Border Post. There are also a few Bureau de Change kiosks at the Ressano Garcia Border Post (the Mozambique side).
Third Party Insurance:
Buy third party insurance – it is compulsory. You can do this at the border and it is valid for 30 days. The cost is R150,00 for a vehicle and, if you are towing, it will cost an additional R80,00 (prices correct as at January 2011). You will be given a form – keep it safe as you may be asked to produce it by border officials or traffic police.
Make sure you have:
- Passport
- Driver’s license
- Vehicle registration papers (plus papers for trailers, boats, etc.) and the letter from the bank, if vehicles are financed.
- Third Party Insurance form
- A pen
Mozambique-South Africa Border Crossings
- Temporary Import Permit for vehicle (Compulsory) – approximately R15 payable in Meticals
- Third-Party Insurance (Compulsory) Please click on Moz Insure below and follow the LINK
- Immigration Fees – approximately R17.50 per person
- Declaration Form for vehicle – cost is approximately R50
Currency: Metical (MZM) but Rand currency is acceptable in Mozambique.
At the Border In South Africa:
- Collect your gate pass from the border official and park your vehicle.
- At the Customs Desk, fill in a form and declare any expensive goods like cameras, fridges, etc. (The Mozambican authorities will stamp this form on your way in and you must be able to show these goods upon your return to South Africa.)
- Go to the Vehicle Registration Desk, produce your gate pass, and get your passport stamped.
- Return to your car, hand your gate pass to the border official and drive to the Mozambique side.
At the Border in Mozambique:
- Get a gate pass and park your vehicle.
- Report to the Immigration Desk and present the DA341 Form, the car papers and the insurance form. Your gate pass and the DA341 will be stamped. You will be charged R10,00 for a Temporary Import Permit for the goods in your vehicle. If you do not receive a copy of the permit, ask for one.
- Return to your car, ask one of the officials (in uniform) to inspect the car and sign your gate pass.
- Drive on, hand your gate pass to an official who will be waiting for it – you are through!
Different Border Times:
Lebombo/Ressano Garcia
(Sometimes open 24 hours a day during peak holiday periods over Easter and Christmas)
Open Hours: 06:00 until 20:00
Kosi Bay/Ponto do Ouro
Only Valid Over Peak Seasons: 6:30 am – 17:30 pm
Normal Hours: 08:00am – 17:00pm
Open Hours: 06:00 until 17:30
Normal Hours: 08:30am – 16:00pm (Summer Time)
08:00 – 15:00 (Winter Time)
24 Hours a Day, 7 days a week